Espaço de debate de temas de Economia Portuguesa e de outros que com esta se relacionam, numa perspectiva de desenvolvimento

terça-feira, julho 10, 2012

"9th Annual International Conference on Tourism, 10-13 June 2013, Athens, Greece"

«Athens Institute for Education and Research-ATINER (
Call for Papers and Participation
9th Annual International Conference on Tourism, 10-13 June 2013, Athens, Greece

The Tourism Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) organizes its 9th Annual International Conference on Tourism, 10-13 June 2013, Athens, Greece. For programs of previous conferences and other information visit the conference website For Books and Proceedings of previous conferences you may visit for table of contents and order forms. The registration fee is €300 (euro), covering access to all sessions, two lunches, coffee breaks and conference material. Special arrangements will be made with a local luxury hotel for a limited number of rooms at a special conference rate. In addition, a number of special events will be organized: A Greek night of entertainment with dinner, a special one-day cruise in the Greek islands, an archaeological tour of Athens and a one-day visit to Delphi. The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars, researchers and students from all areas of Tourism. Areas of interest include (but are not confined to):
  • Tourism and Economic Development
  • Tourism Geography
  • National and Regional Tourism Policy
  • European Union's Tourism Policy
  • Mega Events (Olympics Games) and Tourism
  • Hotel Management and Marketing
  • Restaurant Management and Marketing
  • Tourism Economics
  • Tourism Marketing
  • Tourism Management
  • Tourism (Travel) Law
  • Travel Agents and Tour Operators
  • Sports Tourism
  • International Tourist Organizations (i.e. WTO, WTTC etc).
  • Tourism Research and Methodology
  • Tourism, Recreation and Leisure
  • Tourism Education
If you think that you can contribute, please send an abstract of about 300 words, via email only (, before the 12 November 2012 to: Dr. Valia Kasimati, Head, Tourism Research Unit, ATINER. Please include the following: Title of Paper, Full Name (s), Current Position, Institutional Affiliation, an email address, and at least 3 keywords that best describe the subject of your submission. Please use the abstract submitting form available at All abstracts should be submitted in English. If you want to participate without presenting a paper, click here for the registration form of the conference. If you want to chair a session, evaluate papers to be included in the conference proceedings or books, contribute to the editing, or any other offer to help please send an email to Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos,, President, ATINER.
The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) was established in 1995 as an independent academic association with the mission to become a forum, where academics and researchers - from all over the world - could meet in Athens and exchange ideas on their research and discuss the future developments of their discipline. Since 1995, ATINER has organized about 200 international conferences and events. It has also published about 150 books. Academically, the Institute consists of four research divisions and twenty research units. Each research unit organizes at least an annual conference and undertakes various small and large research projects. Academics and researchers are more than welcome to become members and contribute to ATINER's objectives. Members can undertake a number of academic activities

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

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